Author Guidelines
The submitted manuscript can be the result of community service activities packaged into a scientific paper based on literature that contributes to the development of science, theory, or new methods in the field of education. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the online submission procedure of the Community Empowerment Journal . Corresponding authors must also provide a statement that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The editor will ignore submissions that do not follow this procedure.
Script structure
- Title. The title should be clear, interesting, informative, and contain no more than 14 words .
- Author names and institutions . Author names should be accompanied by the author's institution and email address, without academic titles. For joint papers, one of the authors should be notified of the corresponding author.
- Abstract, keywords . Abstract consists of 200 to 300 words. Please provide abstract in English followed by 3 to 5 relevant keywords for literature search.
- Introduction. This section explains the background of the study, reviews previous research in the field, and the purpose of the paper. Most importantly, this section should also indicate the significance and novelty of the study.
- Methods. This section describes the appropriate analysis tools along with data collection and analysis.
- Results and Discussion. This section describes the results of the analysis. These results should be presented clearly and concisely. Authors should explore the novelty or contribution of their findings by comparing them with existing literature and theories in sports education.
- Conclusion. This section concludes and provides practical, theoretical, and policy implications, if any, of the study. Conclusions should be drawn from the points discussed in the previous sections of the manuscript (discussion).
- References. This section only lists papers, books, or other types of publications that are referred to in the body of the manuscript.
General Writing Format
- A4 paper format , single-sided , and single-spaced. New paragraphs should start 5 characters from the left margin, using Times-new-Romans font size 11 .
- The script is written in correct English .
- Manuscripts should be 8 to 14 pages long (4000-7000 words) .
- The top and bottom margins are 1.5 inches.
- The title is written using capital letters only on the first word or special names (example: location name), font size 14, center position.
- Subtitles are written using capital letters only on the first word or special names, font size 11, starting from the left margin.
- Subtitles, if any, are capitalized only on the first word or special name. Subtitles should start at the left margin.
- Subtitles, if any, are capitalized only at the beginning of each word except conjunctions, all of which are italicized . Subtitles should start at the left margin.
- References should be publications within the last ten years (>80%), except for primary references (80%). References to any textbooks should be minimized (<20%).
Special Writing Format
- Equations and formulas should be numbered as (1), (2)...etc. appearing to the right of them.
- The estimation results of the software package should not be presented directly in the paper. The estimation results should be presented in the form of a summary table.
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be presented as follows:
- Table and figure names must follow the numbering system (Arabic numbering system). Table and figure titles are placed at the top and bottom respectively.
- Tables and figures should cite the source of the information, if any, at the bottom.
- Each table should only contain a title and content. Tables should only contain rows without columns. Notes and sources should be included below the table if necessary.
Acknowledgements, if any, should be written as a footnote to the title of the manuscript.
Subject and Author Index
Authors must include a subject index, which is a list of specific terms in the manuscript. Authors must also include an author index, which is the main author of the papers referred to in the manuscript. Please list the surname followed by the given name.
In-text citations should be written using the surname and year of publication. Example:
- Sukoco (2018) stated that the purpose of depreciation is...
- Inflation targeting will be adequate (Fajaruddin, 2019).
- The definition of transmission is... (Suharjana, 2019; Widiyanto 2020).
- Authors are advised to use Mendeley Referencing software .
Manuscripts are expected to contain approximately 15-20 primary and recent references. (at least the last 8 years) to confirm high-quality contributions to the advancement of knowledge. Citations and references must strictly follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style. References should only include works cited in the text of the manuscript. It is strongly recommended to refer to the APA style manual ( ) to complete the submission of the manuscript.