Author Guidelines


Manuscripts submitted​ can in the form of work write scientific based on study empirical or based on sufficient literature​ contribute to development knowledge knowledge , theory , or method new in field sports . Author requested For deliver work he wrote in a way electronic with use procedure online delivery Journal of Human Resource Strengthening . Author correspondence must also be give statement that script the No currently under consideration For published on site others . The editor will ignore undelivered shipments​ follow procedure This .

Structure script

  1. Title .  Title must clear , interesting , informative , and not contain more from 14 words .
  2. Author name and institution . Author name must accompanied by with institution and author's email address , without title academic . For paper together , one of writer must was informed about writer correspondence .
  3. Abstract , keywords . Abstract consists of from 200 to 300 words. Please provide abstract in Language English followed with 3 to 5 relevant keywords​ For search literature .
  4. Introduction . This section explain background behind research , review study previously in the field said , and the purpose script . Most importantly , the part this is also a must show significance and novelty study .
  5. Method. This section explain tool proper analysis​ along with data collection and analysis .
  6. Results and Discussion . This section explain results analysis . These results must served with clear and concise . Author must explore novelty or contribution findings they with compare it with existing literature and theories​ in education sport .
  7. Conclusion. This section conclude and provide implications practical , theoretical , and policy , if there is , from study this . The conclusion must be taken from things discussed in the section script previously ( discussion ).
  8. References . This section only to list papers , books , or type other publications referenced in Contents script .

General Writing Format

  1. Script prepared in A4 paper format , One sides , and spaces single . Paragraph new must starting with 5 characters from the left margin , using type Times-new-Romans font size 11 .
  2. Script written in Language Correct English .
  3. Script must throughout 8 to 14 pages (4000-7000 words ) .
  4. Top and bottom margins is 1.5 inches .
  5. Title written use letter capital only on the first word or Name special ( example : name) location ), font size 14, position middle .
  6. Subtitle written use letter capital only on the first word or Name special , size letter 11, starting from the left margin .
  7. Subtitles , if there is , written with letter capital only on the first word or Name special . Subtitle must started from the left margin .
  8. Subtitles , if there is , written with letter capital just at the beginning every word except conjunctions , all of them written  italics . Subtitle must started from the left margin .
  9. Reference must in the form of publication ten year last (>80%), except For reference main (80%). References to books text whatever must be minimized (<20%).

Writing Format Special

  1. Equations and formulas must given number as (1), ( 2)... etc. which appear next to his right .
  2. Estimation results from package device soft No may served direct in paper . Estimation results must served in form table summary .

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures must served as following :

  1. Table and figure names must follow system numbering ( system) Arabic numbering ). Title tables and figures are each placed in a section up and down .
  2. Tables and figures must to list source information , if there is , in the section lower .
  3. Every table only may containing title and content . Table only contains rows​ without column rows . Notes and sources must included below​ table If need .


Saying accept love , if there is , must written as title footnote​ script .

Index Subject and Author

Writer must to list index subject , namely terms special in script . The author must also to list index the author , namely writer main from referenced papers​ in script . Please write Name family followed with given name .​


Quote in text must written with use Name family and year publishing . Example :

  1. Sukoco (2018) stated that objective depreciation is ...
  2. Targeting inflation will adequate (Fajaruddin, 2019).
  3. Understanding transmission is ... ( Suharjana , 2019; Widiyanto 2020).
  4. Writer recommended For use  device soft Mendeley References .


Script expected load around 15-20 references main and latest  ( at least 8 years) final ) For confirm contribution quality tall to development knowledge . Citations and references must truly follow APA (American Psychological Association) style . References only may covers works cited​ in text script . Highly recommended For refer to the APA style manual ( ) for complete delivery script .